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Review: Esp32-Wroom with TypeC
0 – Introduction In this article we will review an Esp32 with Type-C, if you like the product and want to support us, you can buy it via one of the links available throught the article. If you are...
Esp32 Tutorial: Hello World with PlatformIO
0 – Introduction In this article we will be using the Esp32 board we reviewed to make the onboard LED blink and also to send a ‘Hello World’ message via Serial. All that using VsCode...
Ubuntu Tutorial: Hello world in C with GCC
0 – Introduction If you are a engineering or computer science student or if you just have interest in C, GCC is the first compiler that you should try. It is made by the GNU foundation and is also...
Ubuntu tutorial: Hosting a folder with SMB
0 – Introduction If you use your ubuntu machine to host a server, or a website you might need to transfer files at some point, there are three good options from which you can choose from. SFTP is...
Ubuntu tutorial: Hosting a folder with NFS
0 – Introduction Have you ever wanted to share a folder from, for example, your desktop pc to your laptop while you are at home? This article will teach you how to share a folder using NFS. If your...
Ubuntu tutorial: Install openssh-server
0 – Introduction If you use your ubuntu machine to host a server, website, or if you just need to keep tabs on it’s use without being face to face with it you might be wondering how you could...
Welcome to TMVTech – Your Tech Hub for Linux, Programming, Homelabs, and More! Hello, tech enthusiasts! We are thrilled to welcome you to TMVTech, a new corner of the internet dedicated to exploring the...
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