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9:30 am
0 – Introduction A common advice for those who want to get started with emulators development is to try implement a CHIP8 emulator. This is a good advice, because the CHIP8 specification is quite...
9:30 am
0 – Introduction If you are tired of getting ads everywhere and want to be at peace, at least in your own home, then Pi-Hole is a godly addition to your homelab. In this article we will install Ubuntu...
9:30 am
0 – Introduction If you are looking for the core of your next project you came to the right article! In here we will review a couple of Single Board Computers for the people that think the Raspberry...
9:30 am
0 – Introduction While coding baremetal on a arduino, interrupts are a key part of any program that requires input or precise timings. In today’s article you will learn the very basics of interrupts...
9:30 am
0 – Introduction With a lot of projects, having a way to display information is vital, so we will, in this article, use one of the most popular libraries there is, with the ammount of oled displays...
9:30 am
0 – Introduction In the last baremetal arduino post we started a journey into the world of Arduinos without the IDE and their libraries. Today we will contiue that journey by learning how to do one...
9:30 am
0 – Introduction Building a simple LED blink project is often the first step into the world of embedded systems and microcontroller programming. While many projects rely on the Arduino’s more...
9:30 am
0 – Introduction Arduinos are very popular microcontrollers for people who are studying or working with hardware and hobyists. In Ubuntu there are some different ways of coding and uploading your...
9:30 am
0 – Introduction When you have a lot of services in your homelab it can be annoying to remember in which port is git, in which is your streaming server, which is my game server? It’s a mess....
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