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Baremetal Arduino: PWM Example
0 – Introduction In the world of microcontrollers, PWM is used to communicate with some motors, or even other microcontrollers, one example is, the servos and ESC in a RC car, it is also a great...
Ubuntu Tutorial: Installing Gitlab
0 – Introduction If you need a source and versioning control solution for your homelab, you have a couple options, one of them is Gitlab, which we will be installing in this article. One of the benefits...
Esp32 Tutorial: SD Card
0 – Introduction A lot of projects require a way to save permanent data, or a large ammount of data, usually, a SD card is the best solution, as you can buy one for cheap. In this small project you...
Ubuntu Tutorial: Setting Up Wireguard
0 – Introduction Have you ever needed a VPN while using some public network? There are a lot of free options out there, but when you do not pay with money, you are paying with something else and,...
Baremetal Arduino: Timers
0 – Introduction While using an arduino there are a lot of things that require timings, communications like SPI and I2C or PWM but, besides communications, maybe you want to make an animation with...
Esp32 Tutorial: Chip8 Emulator
0 – Introduction In a previous article we made an emulator/interpreter for Chip8 in C++ to be ran on Ubuntu, in this article, we will make small changes and new platform specific modules to run that...
Ubuntu Tutorial: Install Mattermost Server
0 – Introduction Do you have a small company or want a way to talk to your friends without anyone spying on you? Then Mattermost is for you. It was made for the business world, with a lot of integrations...
Best projects for the Raspberry Pi 5
0 – Introduction If you just got a new Raspberry Pi 5 and still don’t know what to use it for, then in this article you will get some ideas of what to do with it and how to do it! In the future...
Ubuntu Tutorial: Installing Ubuntu Server
0 – Introduction If you have some experience with the Ubuntu command line and want to save a little extra power on your homelab server, then switching from Ubuntu Desktop to Server might be a good...
Esp32 Tutorial: LED Control with Button
0 – Introduction This small project will show you how to use an Esp32 to read the state of a button and output it to a LED, you should also be able to recreate this project with little to no changes...
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