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Baremetal Arduino: Oled Display SH1106 SPI
0 – Introduction In some previous articles, we touched on the subject of OLED screens and, with the help of U8g2 lib, we even got SH1106 and SSD1302 screens working. In today’s article though,...
Ubuntu Tutorial: NoteMark
0 – Introduction There are lots of notetaking apps and services out there but, if you want to stay in charge of your data, not all of them can be trusted, and that is why, in this article, we will...
Esp32 Tutorial: Chip8 Console
0 – Introduction Retro gaming enthusiasts often look back fondly at the CHIP-8 virtual machine, which powered early homebrew games in the 1970s. In this tutorial, we’ll create a CHIP-8 emulator console...
Baremetal Arduino: Control All UARTs on Mega
0 – Introduction One of the great features of the Arduino Mega is the multiple UART interfaces it has. In previous articles we learnt how to setup UART0 to communicate between your PC and your Arduino,...
Ubuntu Tutorial: Flyimg
0 – Introduction Do you find yourself googling ‘jpeg to png’, ‘tiff to png’, ‘gif to png’, ‘crop image online’, ‘image rotate’ or any other...
Esp32 Tutorial: All UARTS
0 – Introduction Most Esp32s have more than one UART, which lets us communicate between microcontrollers, with multiple computers and even with some peripherals like GPS modules. To follow this article...
Ubuntu Tutorial: 2FAuth
0 – Introduction Do you wish you could make your online activity more secure? Two factor authentication is a second check besides email and password that you need to fullfill in order to log into...
CrowPanel Tutorial: Bad Apple
0 – Introduction In the world of tech memes, there are a few universal truths: if it has a CPU, it can probably run Doom, and if it has a black and white screen, it can play ‘Bad Apple’....
Ubuntu Tutorial: Uptime Kuma
0 – Introduction If you have a lot of services in your homelab, and would like a way to know when they get offline, setup Uptime Kuma. With it’s pretty interface a great ammount of features,...
CrowPanel Tutorial: Homelab Status
0 – Introduction Keeping track of your home lab’s server status doesn’t have to mean logging into a dashboard or constantly checking your phone. With an ESP32 and an e-paper display, you can create...
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